In Ancient China, The Five Elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Metal - were developed by physicians, as a basis for understanding how the world works, and how to maintain health within the human body. This is a practice that’s derived from the well-known Chinese healing practice, acupuncture. It’s believed that these five elements are in all humans, and one to three of these elements are usually the most dominant. The Five Elements Theory is a model representation of nature and its cycles.
These elements are said to influence an individual’s overall health, personality, emotions, and behavior. Illnesses can develop whenever there are critical elemental imbalances. Once the imbalance is located, you can then begin to cure the illness and prevent future ailments from occurring. Elemental balances and imbalances are very critical to understand for these impact not only your health, but how one develops socially and emotionally. Balance is a harmony of the body and mind in all five elements; emotional, behavioral, mental, social, and health.
These five elements can be related to the four seasons, different colors, emotions, reactions, tastes, directions, various tissues and organs, sounds, and almost everything in the universe under Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Metal. With this understanding each person's physical and mental constitution can be described as a balance of the elements in which one or more may naturally dominate. The proportion of the elements in a person determines his or her temperament. The Five Elements theory recognizes a correlation between those things which are related to a specific element.
Five Elements and their specific Yin and Yang Organs, tissues and sounds:
The expectations and perceptions of the Five Elements are explained in the chart below. This is a brief depiction of how each element responds to stressors, how they expect and perceive various situations in their lives:
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